Hall: D | Stand: 1036
Med kunden i fokusHos Ninolab har vi fokus på høj kvalitet og sætter altid dine behov i centrum. Vi hjæ...
3 contact persons
Hall: D | Stand: 1094
Hall: D | Stand: 1078
We help laboratories within life science and diagnostics to reach optimal performance by providing innovative quality products a...
Hall: D | Stand: 102001
Hall: D | Stand: 1006
AltemisLab offer products and solutions to streamline sample storage, identification and handling. The team have been working wi...
1 contact person
Hall: D | Stand: 1018
Ampliqon is a Danish manufacturer of PCR enzymes and laboratory reagents. We produce a wide range of standard and customised pro...
Hall: D | Stand: 1090
Hall: D | Stand: 1084
Hall: D | Stand: 1058
Hall: D | Stand: 1066
Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems is one of the largest manufacturers of vacuum pumps, blowers and compressors in the world. Our pr...
Hall: D | Stand: 1012
Hall: D | Stand: 1112
SINGLE-USE SOLUTIONSFOR PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOTECH PROFESSIONALSWide european coverageSingle-use assembliesCustomization & f...
2 contact persons
Hall: D | Stand: 1086
DACOS A/S is a modern and innovative company with more than 23 years of experience in sales and production of quality products f...
Hall: D | Stand: 1044
Danskejet familievirksomhed med fokus på kunderne og deres behov. Salg og service af pipetteringsinstrumenter og mind...
Hall: D | Stand: 1032
Hall: D | Stand: 1014
Hall: D | Stand: 1052
Hall: D | Stand: 102004
We are global leader in the laboratory diagnostics market, specializing in the immunodiagnostics and molecular diagnostics segme...
Hall: D | Stand: 1108
Hall: D | Stand: 1148
ELPRO is a Swiss-based, global manufacturer of innovative environmental monitoring solutions for the pharmaceutical, life scienc...
Hall: D | Stand: 1098
Hall: D | Stand: 1134
Hall: D | Stand: 1031
Hall: D | Stand: 1085
Hall: D | Stand: 1064
Food Diagnostics tilbyder Danmarks absolut bedste udbud af innovative produkter til hygiejnekontrol samt til produktkontrol inde...